July 22, 2021

Help Us Build the Ultimate Moving-to-Georgia Guide

A lady receiving assistance from a mover as she settles into her new home

Not everyone who drives over Georgia’s state line today will know about the amazing pecans harvested here or that most driving directions in the state’s capital include the word Peachtree. At DSGa we spend a lot of time examining who uses our websites, and this includes brand new residents. Currently, we’re using your feedback to go beyond Google tourist facts. We’re constructing a Moving to Georgia Guide on Georgia.gov that directs new Georgians to the state services they need.

Why is a guide needed?

Moving can be a highly stressful life event for many. If a resident is crossing state lines, there’s a lot more to cover than just planning, purging, packing, and unpacking! In addition to a mountain of boxes, they could be juggling an out-of-state car, buying a new car, have school-age kids, be a veteran, or need rental assistance when they first arrive. For new residents, a guide alleviates the stress of having to know the names of Georgia’s agencies and where to find them. And for agencies, a guide with your services in it creates a great first introduction to your state organization. Residents will remember their first impression when they need to follow up with you for additional services.

What makes the guide different from a list of services?

Now that we’ve compiled the questions new residents often ask agencies, the next step is to organize them intuitively. In our current study, new Georgians can tell us what they’re likely to look for first, second, third and so on, based on where they are in life and why they moved to the Peach State. This will direct how we organize the guide and if users would find a timeline of step-by-step processes useful.

Solving multiple problems with one guide

Moving to Georgia Study

If you know someone who is thinking about moving to Georgia or has recently moved to Georgia we would love to hear from them.

A few years ago, I was one of those new Georgians. And while it was easy to find lots of online articles on sports teams, tourist attractions, or the distance between Atlanta and Savannah, I didn’t know what to expect at the local DMV —I mean the Department of Driver Services

Meanwhile, my friends who moved to a neighboring city had a different moving experience, as they were more focused on school programs that would give their kids a sense of consistency after the move. At DSGa, we never take for granted that state websites cater to different needs, so it’s important to keep in tune with what those needs are every time we build something new.

We’d love to hear from your online visitors

If you’re looking for a way to make your online visitors feel heard, consider sharing our new Georgia Guide study with your newsletter or social media followers. It will take them less than 5 minutes to participate, but the benefits to the guide will be enormous. If you’d like a quick, easy content idea, might we suggest something similar to the text below:

Did you just move to Georgia or know someone who is moving to the Peach State? You can help the state of Georgia build the ultimate moving to Georgia guide by taking this quick survey by August 6th.

Lasting First Impression

Ultimately, the Georgia.gov Moving to Georgia Guide is all about making our state services easily accessible to newcomers. Plus it has the nice bonus effect of creating a great first impression for your agency, and forging a solid relationship with your users for years to come. 


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